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We live in a world that now breathes in gulps of data, it is part of your everyday life. In 2016 I left a role at MyWebGrocer with the goal to teach myself Data Science and Python. For me the way I learned was to write articles, give presentations, teach classes, and help on numerous public projects and even create a local Geospatial Data Science Conference (GeoDatSci). Below are a small selection of those projects.

Data: Image
Black and White Star in Circle
Data: List


Geospatial and Data Science Conference

GeoDatSci was a new conference created and organized by me as the Data Fellow for the Vermont Center for Geographic Information. It was held on June 7, 2018 in Burlington Vermont. With over 34 speakers and 152 attendees, it covered all sorts of subjects from drone data imagery to how to fairly score a new sport in the Olympics. While it has been on hold due partially to COVID, the plan is to bring it back at the end of 2020 for a virtual event.

Data: Welcome


HOT is an international team dedicated to humanitarian action and community development through open mapping. As part of Code for BTV, the Burlington chapter of Code for America, I have run several sessions with the general public and University of Vermont Students to learn how to contribute to Open Street Maps using the Humanitarian OpenStreeMap Team tools.

Data: Image


Since 2018 I have been exploring data is a visual medium. Below is a selection of works based on data using watercolors, laser cutters, and mixed media.

Data: Text
Data: Pro Gallery
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